Monograph “Our Thirty Years”
Gudački kvartet Sebastian
Pantovčak 152b
10 000 Zagreb
Sebastian String Quartet was founded in 1990. Forerunner of Quartet was Zagreb Music Youth Quartet founded in 1982. Their repertoire encompasses a wide range of pieces, from Renaissance to contemporary music, with special emphasis on pieces written by Croatian composers. They have premiered a series of quartet compositions by A. Klobučar, A. Igrec, N. Firšt, D. Bukvić, S. Drakulić, M. Prohaska, B. Šipuš, B. Papandopulo, M. Kichl, A. Knešaureka, V. Nježića, G. Tudora, T. Uhlika… Many of these pieces were composed at their encouragement and dedicated to them. In 2002, they started a series of concerts in the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall in Zagreb which has hosted renowned musicians from all over the world, e.g. Milan Turković, Michael Martin Kofler, Paul Meyer, Eric Tanguy, Aleksandar Serdar, Clara Dent, Pierluigi Camicia, Gustavo Tavares, Oliver Triendl, Đorđe Stanetti, Ruben Dalibaltayan, Martina Filjak, Nada Majnarić, Boštjan Lipovšek, Robert Belinić, Krešimir Bedek and many others. Under the Croatia Records label they have recorded seven albums, three of them received nominations for croatian discographic award Porin. In 2020. cpo label has released a CD of Sebastian String Quartet with works by Božidar Kunc, Fran Lhotka and Josip Štolcer Slavenski. In 2005. Sebastian String Quartet received diploma Milka Trnina by Croatian Association of Musical Artists. On the occasion of 30 years of existance, in 2020., Sebastian String Quartet received a Plaque by Croatian Composers Society, a Charter by Croatian Association of Orchestral and Chamber Musicians and a Plaque by Croatian Association of Musical Artists. Monography Sebastian String Quartet – our 30 years, has been released in 2020.